5.5 x 8.5 PB • 317 Pgs • $20.00 • ISBN 978-1-60052-144-7
The tales told here originate in two medieval beggars’ letters, a stone epitaph, and Egyptian papyri dating from the time of the prophet, Jeremiah. Far apart from one another in time, all spring from the lives of women who actually lived them: Two Jewish converts face death by burning during the Spanish Inquisition, a Jerusalemite is brought to Rome in chains, an Egyptian slave is married to a Jewish priest on the Elephantine Island. Voices long suppressed by the larger currents of history let us glimpse the degradations these women suffered during the times in which they lived, all set within the unmistakable power of the bonds of love.
Doreen Stock is not only an insightful and brilliant poet and scholar, she has also proven herself to be a master storyteller, weaving complex narratives into compelling, fascinating tapestries that sweep the reader into each history with vivid immediacy.
Stacy Friedman
Senior Rabbi, Congregation Rodef Sholom San Rafael, CA.
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