9 x 12 PB • 228 Pgs • $75.00 • ISBN 1-60052-017-0
I undertook this adventure to Nepal, this trek from Kathmandu to Mt. Everest, not as a conqueror of mountains, but rather to create a photographic journal of the people, their culture, and their natural environment. The year was 1973. To travel beyond the confines of the city of Kathmandu was to step back in time. Out of respect for the individuality of the people and their way of life, all photographs were taken as observed. I simply tried to capture and record spontaneous moments of life, as they were, in this unique place and time. I hope that this visual document will reverberate among my fellow travelers to Nepal — past, present, and future — and also among those not fortunate enough to travel there themselves, inspiring respect for the people, their customs, and a culture that developed over centuries. Lloyd Johnson